Change Can Happen Now

Last week I was watching a TV episode of Medium and was moved by this observation about change and the preciousness of time.

Allison (the Medium) is saying in a voice over:

Time is priceless, yet it costs us nothing
You can do anything you want with it, but you can’t own it
You can spend it, but you can’t keep it
And once you’ve lost it, there’s no getting it back
It’s just gone …..”

Earlier in the show Allison had said to her angry daughter:

“All this time that you are choosing to be angry is time you could have spent being happy. Time, it’s just gone and you never get it back. There… there’s a second gone and you’ll never have it again, and there… there’s another one just wasted. We wasted it just holding on to anger.”

This is a powerful message and one that speaks directly to the changes in our lives that Rapid Eye Therapy can create. Through the process of RET we can let go of the anger, fear, pain or suffering that we have experienced and are having trouble letting go. We no longer have to be stuck in our negative emotions or experiences.

Sometimes, the most difficult part of our healing journey is the choosing to face and let go of past adverse or invalidating experiences. However, once the choice is made there are Rapid Eye processes that assist in the releasing of this old pain. These techniques are simple and natural.  It isn’t necessary to call up and relive ALL of our pain in order to release it.  In my experience, by starting with the most current or pressing issue, whether it happened yesterday, last year or when we were 10; we can begin to release those issues and many other related feelings.

Right now, we can choose to stop wasting this moment… and this moment… and this moment and make a decision to reach out and take advantage of the ways available to us for change. With the realization that time is priceless, can come a commitment to releasing and letting go of the past. And with that choice we can move into a new possibility for more peace and joy in our lives.